Here at Cestrian HQ we’ve been having a little fun with our very own integrated marketing campaign. Welcome to the Wonkamatic – our chocolatey virtual vending machine.
It’s an in-house project that we’ve designed to demonstrate exactly what integrated marketing is and to show you just a few of the ways you could get more out of your PoS.
We’ve used a whole host of interactive media and technology to give you a taste of what’s possible:
Variable Data Printing (VDP)
VDP means that each and every one of our vending machines is personalised for its recipient using their name and company. Variable data for PoS opens up a world of possibilities including localised marketing with a fast turnaround.
Intelligent SMS campaigns create an instant dialogue with your audience. Perfect for competitions, giveaways & data capture. Wonkamatic rewards its texters with a free Wonka Bar, and of course there are golden ticket winners too (we’ve been busy sending out iPods to our winners…no lifetime supply of chocolate here I’m afraid)
Print Image Recognition
QR and image recognition apps make the most of cutting-edge smartphone technology. Our wonkamatic features a few examples including QR and an image recognition app that literally brings the printed Wonkavision to life – demonstrating how printed and digital media work seamlessly together.
Viral Video
And we just couldn’t resist shooting our own viral video to top it all off. Hooray for Ray, our Oompa Loompa, waving the flag for integrated marketing solutions everywhere!